Annual General Meeting 2021
The Annual General Meeting for District 4 is set for Monday, May 17th at 6pm. The TBU/OTBU and ESSPBU AGM's will follow the District4 AGM. The meeting will be held virtually using the GoToMeeting platform. The meeting links will be provided to members through their regular member communication platform by their respective BU.
District 4 AGM
At the District level, the following positions are up for election: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary. The nomination forms and constitution can be found under the District 4 tab. If you have questions about the District AGM, please email us at
At the ESSPBU level, the following positions are up for election: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, PSSP rep, ECE rep, EA rep, Educational Services Officer. The nomination form and constitution can be found under the ESSP BU tab. If you have questions about the ESSPBU AGM, please contact Troy Simkins at 705.471.3177 or Kerri Renaud at 705.471.2600
At the TBU/OTBU level, the following positions are up for election: President, Treasurer, Secretary and Chief Negotiator. The nomination forms and constitution can be found under the TBU OTBU tab. If you have questions about the TBU/OTBU AGM, please contact Brent Yacoback at 705.498.2213 or Jake Loof at 705.773.8180.
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